Craig Dawson

I thought about writing a bio, but I just haven’t got it in me to write anything in the third person. Instead, I thought I’d just write a few words of welcome.
I’m writing this just after publication of my third book, SLATER’S PIT, with number four well on the way. If you’ve been following along, you’ll hopefully have enjoyed my two previous books, with SLATER’S PIT a bit of a left turn from those. But variety is the spice of life, or something, right?
Cards on the table – I’m not great at the “hustle”, so whilst I certainly hope to do more in terms of contact, and perhaps even send out a newsletter or two, the absolute best way to get in touch is via the contact form on the website. I’ll answer every email received, so if you do have any questions or feedback, I’d be delighted to hear from you.
Anyway, thanks for popping in, and I hope you find something here you enjoy.